About Us

We're on a mission to improve the mental and physical well-being of both dogs and their human parents. With nutrition and education, we're empowering dog owners to live balanced lives. Where mental health is important for both ends of the leash.

We all know dogs bring so much love and happiness to our lives. What many people don’t talk about is the stress that can also come with having 4 legged family members.

“My dog won’t listen”
“Have I don’t enough for my dog today?”
“My dogs don’t behave in public”
“My dog has so much energy I don’t know what to do with them”
“My dog chews on everything”
“My dog can’t be away from me without panicking”

👆🏼 Sound familiar?

Understanding the “why” behind obedience training, socialization, and your dogs behaviors will completely changed the way you interact with them.

We are determined to break generational cycles when parenting human children.

It’s time we do the same for our dogs. 🐾


 Our treats contain 100% USDA inspected animal protein proudly made and packaged in the U.S.A. at a GFSI – FSSSC-2200 certified pet food facility.